
Helping you create stunning dashboards in Microsoft Excel including dials, speedometers, thermometers, and much more...

Please post your comments related to configuring the ExcelDashboardWidgets spreadsheets here.

Moderator: DashboardWidgets

By shaun.caple
I started using this widget and I guess I dont really understand what it is trying to show. But I do have another couple of issues with it

There is no distance between the bars on my widget when compared with the sample

The values on the axis have a #ref! (and I cant see how I can resolve)
='[ExcelDashboardWidgets Spreadsheet v9g - Unlocked.xlsx]Widget Showcase Calcs'!#REF!

=ROUNDUP((AN27/($AN$25-$AN$24))*13,0) - I don't get why the formula has x 13 in it

is anyone able to help
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By DashboardWidgets
Hi Shauan

We took a few moments to make a short YouTube tutorial describing how to configure the equalizer widget that should help you out a bit.

Hope this helps and please feel free to get back to us if anything is not clear or you have more questions.

Warmest regards

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By DashboardWidgets
Hi Shaun

You are extremely welcome.

Feel free to let us know if you need more support with any of the other widgets or the general concepts behind building dashboards in Excel. We are very happy to answer any queries or make some more videos if it's easier for you.



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