
Helping you create stunning dashboards in Microsoft Excel including dials, speedometers, thermometers, and much more...

Please post your comments related to configuring the ExcelDashboardWidgets spreadsheets here.

Moderator: DashboardWidgets

By mr47119
On the linear dial widget if you enter a value greater than max the needle goes off the chart. How do you fix this while leaving the max value the same. i.e needle stops moving at max value, yet value in circle stays the same.
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By DashboardWidgets
Hi mr47119

The easiest way to do this is with an IF conditional statement on the Widget Calculations Page.

Here is the IF statement in Excel and Pseudocode.
Code: Select all
=IF('My Dashboard'!N11>D7,D7,IF('My Dashboard'!N11<D6,D6,'My Dashboard'!N11))


IF the linear dial widget is greater than the max scale value THEN make the value the max scale value.

IF the linear dial widget is less than the minimum scale value THEN make the value the minimum scale value.
Feel free to take a look at the example attached. We've also prepared a short video that explains how we set the example up.

(28.82 KiB) Downloaded 1162 times
Please note that the unlocked version of this widget can be downloaded in the Commercial License Holder's Forum here...

http://www.exceldashboardwidgets.com/ph ... f=25&t=337

Warm regards


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