
Helping you create stunning dashboards in Microsoft Excel including dials, speedometers, thermometers, and much more...

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Moderator: DashboardWidgets

Hello skjpim

Placing your activation code into cell O13 of the tab marked "Dashboard Configuration Page" unlocks the blue boxes on this sheet and allows you to enter target and range values for the dials and thermometers.
Activation Code.jpg
Activation Code.jpg (33.92 KiB) Viewed 9050 times
The free spreadsheet is designed to give users an appreciation of the basic functionality of the spreadsheet. If you purchase the commercial lisence we are happy to help you fully customize the spreadsheet to your needs - which includes fully unlocking all of the tabs.

Good luck with your dashboard project.

Tab 2 - Dashboard required. At the top, I've inserted a Format Control box which lists managers names. The object is to be able to click on the name eg. John Smith (within the Format Control box) and the project detail will appear against his/hers name.

Download and try for free!