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Circular Dashboard

PostPosted:Tue May 23, 2017 8:56 am
by TriqAz
Dear Wizard,

I need a dashboard having a dial with a complete circle. Therein, the circle to show % completion through sectors of 10% increments. A needle would be nice to have indicating the completion level.

Strangely, I had posted this request yesterday but it doesn't show up anywhere.

Would be obliged by your kind support.


Re: Circular Dashboard

PostPosted:Fri May 26, 2017 8:13 am
by DashboardWidgets
Dear TriqAz

It is possible to make a dial in any shape, style or form.

Take a look at this example here to see a circular dial that we developed for Jo.
New%20Dashboard%20Dial%20Jo.png (112.51 KiB) Viewed 11373 times

Perhaps we could extend this into a full circle for you?

Where do you want the position of the needle to start (vertically, horizontally?).

