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How to lock objects in a spreadsheet?

PostPosted:Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:20 pm
by magdiayyad

I have an excel question. Is there a way to lock all objects in the main dashboard sheet? My aim is to allow viewer to only use the drop-down menu to navigate without being able to move objects. I know it's not a big deal as the file will be shared on sharePoInt and only the admin can change/save. I'm trying to minimize distraction by limiting the ability to move, ungroup, and scroll up and down. I'm sharing a screenshot of my -almost- final work for the pharmacy dept. I can's share the excel file for data confidentiality purpose.

BTW .... the excel dashboard widgets is an excellent easy to learn tool.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: How to lock objects in a spreadsheet?

PostPosted:Wed Mar 13, 2019 4:23 am
by DashboardWidgets
Hi magdiayyad

Thanks for the positive comments! Thanks also for posting a snapshot from your work as it is always nice to see our widgets out in the 'real world'!

The way that we lock the dashboard in the trial version is to use the "protect sheet" function.

You can access this by right-clicking the current spreadsheet tab at the base of the screen.

If you only allow users to select cells then this preserves the integrity of the dashboard objects.
A good example of this (i.e. a locked dashboard with dropdown functionality) can be seen with the health facility example dashboard here... ... ?f=24&t=98

Hope this makes sense and if you need more help or an example feel free to get back to us!



Re: How to lock objects in a spreadsheet?

PostPosted:Wed Mar 13, 2019 5:33 am
by magdiayyad
Great. Thanks for the quick reply.

One trick to share with members for more professional looking dashboard is to hide the ribbons and the formula bar area. I would say it can be done right before protecting the dashboard sheet for final posting.
Below are snapshots of the steps.

1. Under 'view' unselect Formula Bar, Headings, and Gridlines.
2. In any empty ribbons area, right click and select 'collapse the ribbons.
You will end-up with more real state for your widgets and more professional look.
You also can hide scroll bars in advanced option.

Again, thanks for the prompt reply and best of luck to all.
