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Trend Widget

PostPosted:Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:52 pm
by apmitch
Dear Sirs, please help. I am a new user and have started to put my Dashboard together, no problems with the Widgets, the only problem I have is using the Trend Widget! I have three trends which are required, I have successful got three trends on my graph, but its the Date which I cannot sort out? For example I will run my chart every month, hence; Jan Feb Mar etc, but when I look at my chart its got all odd dates in the axis? can you or some body please advise? I am missing some thing?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Trend Widget

PostPosted:Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:04 am
by DashboardWidgets
Dear apmitch

As you've probably figured out by now, the trend widget is very simply a standard Excel XY graph that has been formatted to fit in with the same style of the other widgets.

If you want to change the date axis you need to ungroup the widget and format the chart axis - exactly the same as you would with a standard graph in Excel (right click on the axis and choose format axis) - see the figure below...
To set the min date and max date for the graph I usually just enter the dates directly into the format axis dialog box e.g. "01/01/12" and "01/03/12". You then need to play with the scale interval so you don't get overlapping text e.g. in this case I put a scale label every 10 days.

Hope this helps - an alternative is that you can just delete the XY graph and overlay one of your own which has all your data nicely formatted how you like it!

Anyhow, if any of this doesn't make sense please feel free to get back to us.

Warmest regards
