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Problems changing the dashboard scales

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:14 pm
by Gavin Corbett
Hi there,

How can I change the dashboard scaling? The pointer number works fine and all the thermometer scales apear okay, it's just the scale on each dashboard.

I rescaled them manually but this hasn't helped.

Happy to send it over if this would be easier.



Re: Problems changing the dashboard scales

PostPosted:Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:01 am
by DashboardWidgets
Hi Gavin

You can change the scales by changing the "minimum value" and "maximum value" input boxes of the configuration panel. To give you a very simple example, here is the first dial on the "Widgets Showcase" tab where you'll notice I've set the "minimum value"as 0 and the "maximum value" as 500 - which has updated the scale automatically.
I hope this answers your question - if not, feel free to upload an example!

Happy dashboarding!

