
Helping you create stunning dashboards in Microsoft Excel including dials, speedometers, thermometers, and much more...

A few simple tutorials and samples to help you get started with your dashboard.

Moderator: DashboardWidgets

By ColinMair
I have just joined and paid for the commercial version and do not know how to unlock the spreadsheet. Can anyone help?
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By DashboardWidgets
Hi Colin

The unlocked version of the dashboard spreadsheet was emailed to you a few moments ago.

Unfortunately we are not in the same time zone and have to check each payment manually.

Sorry for the delay and please get in touch if you require any support with your dashboard project.


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By DashboardWidgets
Hi Robert

Apologies that we don't have a fully automated system for checking payment for the dashboard spreadsheet. Unfortunately we are not in the same time zone and have to check each payment manually.

For your information, the unlocked version of the dashboard spreadsheet was emailed to you a few moments ago.

Sorry for the delay and please get in touch if you require any support with your dashboard project.


By jtadamsx
HELP! It seems I need to have the unlocked spreadsheet e-mailed to me. I need this ASAP or I have to come up with some other option to create a dashboard today.

PLEASE SEND ME THE UNLOCKED VERSION TODAY. I resgistered and paid the $39 commercial fee.

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By DashboardWidgets
Dear Jtadamsx

Sorry for the delay. According to our records, the unlocked dashboard and an invoice was sent to the email email account used for payment (zoominternet.net) yesterday (Sunday) at 4:51pm.

Thank you for your support and please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you put together your dashboard project.

If you need further assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Dashboard Widgets
By rbride75
I have just joined and paid for the commercial version and do not know how to unlock the spreadsheet. Can anyone help?
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By DashboardWidgets
Dear rbdride75

Thanks for your purchase. The unlocked version of the dashboard spreadsheet has been emailed to your account. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you put together your dashboard project.

If you need further assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Dashboard Widgets
User avatar
By DashboardWidgets
Hi phygenius

Thank you for your purchase.

The unlocked version of the dashboard spreadsheet has been emailed to your account a few minutes ago.

Please let us know if you require any more support.



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