
Helping you create stunning dashboards in Microsoft Excel including dials, speedometers, thermometers, and much more...

Please post your comments related to configuring the ExcelDashboardWidgets spreadsheets here.

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By euler

I have just purchased a commercial licence, I am confused about how to edit the excel dashboard.

I have put the code in which enables me to change the titles and units etc.

What I need is 1st & 2nd Dashboard Dial, with 1st Dashboard Thermometer but repeated 6 times for different regions.

Can you tell me how this is possible please?


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By DashboardWidgets
Hi Peter

Apologies for the delay – you hit us just as the holiday season vacation period started!

To repeat the dials you need a copy of the commercial version of the spreadsheet that is unprotected.

We have sent you this by email with your invoice for the commercial license.

Here's how to repeat the dashboard dials six times…
Step #1
Copy and paste any of the different dials as many times as you like on the ‘dashboard page’ or even into a new Excel Document. I usually do this by dragging the dial while holding the 'ctrl' button to create a copy and the shift button to keep the copy orthogonal. Arrange them in the any pattern you require. Personally I like a grid that fits neatly onto a piece of paper - i.e. 6x4, 4x6, 3x4, or 4x3, 12x8 - however do whatever works for you!!

Step #2
Copy and paste the cells and formulas from the ‘configuration tab’ and the 'calculations tab' so there are enough copies for each of the new dials. This is locked in the free version but is unlocked in the commercial version so you can copy as many times as you need.

Step #3
This step can be a little difficult. You now need to link the text boxes and graphs on the new dials to their correct cells on the configuration page and the calculations page. You need to do this by looking at the configuration of the original dial example.

Take a look at the attached spreadsheet (I've also emailed you an unprotected version). I've set this up to show the 1st & 2nd Dashboard Dials and the 1st Dashboard Thermometer - repeated 6 times for 6 different regions - as you requested.

Let me know if this is what you were trying to do and please feel free to get back to us if you need more help figuring this stuff out.

Good luck with your Excel dashboarding project!!
(253.34 KiB) Downloaded 2322 times
This version is locked but commercial license holders can download the unlocked version in the commercial license holder's download area here http://www.exceldashboardwidgets.com/ph ... ?f=25&t=94.
By euler

Thanks for the reply, no worries on the delay it's to be expected that time of year.

Thanks for the attachment it almost exactly what I need.

The only thing i need different is for the "red to green" scale on the second dial on each row to be in reverse (green to red).

Is this something you can easily change? This is then exactly what I am looking for.

Thanks again.

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By DashboardWidgets
Hi Peter

The shapes used to make up the excel dashboard widgets can be easily customized using the standard Excel commands for Excel shapes. Here is an step-by-step guide of how to reverse the colors and customize the colored markers used in the dials..

Step #1
Right-click the curved edge of the excel dashboard widget and select ‘group’ followed by ‘ungroup’.
You should now see lots of small boxes showing the sub-components that make up the widget.
Step #2
Here comes the tricky part – the components are arranged as layers on top of each other (the circle is on top of the dial needle, which is on top of the colored dial markers, which are on top of the backgrounds). To edit the colored dial markers we need to move the needle one layer backwards. To do this, click the needle once then right-click the rectangular edge and choose ‘send to back’ followed by ‘send backward’.

Step #3
Now you'll find that the five colored dial markers are grouped together so we’ll need to ungroup them to change their colors. To do this right-click on the group and choose ‘group’ followed by ‘ungroup’. You should now see five small boxes representing the sub-components of the colored scale.

Step #4
To format any of these individual colored blocks, right-click and select ‘format shape’. This will give you the normal Excel suite of customization options including fill colors, transparencies, reflections, gradients, 3d bevels, etc. etc.
Now, to answer your original question, to reverse the scale, the simplest method is not to change the colors directly (as they are custom shades using RGB numbers) but to use the format painter to copy the formats from one dial to another dial. To do this, ungroup the components in two separate widgets that are side-by-side (following the steps 1-3 above). Next, select one of the scale marker blocks with the desired color. Then click the ‘format painter’ (in the ‘home’ section of the top ribbon). You’ll notice the mouse arrow has changed into a small paintbrush. Then paint this format onto the target dial marker. You should end up with something like this with the second dial reversed.
Step #5
You now finally need to reverse steps 1-4 to tidy up your work...
5a) Right-click on one of the colored markers and select ‘group’ followed by ‘re-group’ to group the markers together into a single component.
5b) Send the markers back one layer (to bring the dial needle forward) by right-clicking and selecting ‘send to back’ followed by ‘send backwards’.
5c) Finally right-click the curved edge of the excel dashboard widget and re-group all of the sub-components into a single component (this makes it easier to move the dial around as a single widget).

I hope this makes sense and as always, please feel free to get back to us if you have any questions.

Also, to save you a bit of time and effort I've quickly reversed the dial colors in the six region excel dashboard you were working on which you can download below (I've also sent you the unlocked version by private forum message)..
Reversed Dials.jpg
Good luck with your Excel Dashboard project.

ExcelDashboard Widgets
By euler

Thanks for all your support, it's been great.

I wonder if you could help me with one final excel dashboard?

I need 1 line with 2 dials, red to green and a traffic light with 4 lights (like the showcase)
the second line needs 1 dial green to red, one red to green and another traffic light as above
the 3rd line needs 1 dial red to green, and green to red and a final red to green.

If you could help with this i'd really appreciate it.

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By DashboardWidgets
Hi Euler

No problems! Is this sort of what you were after?
Euler's Dash.jpg
(151.91 KiB) Downloaded 2358 times
By the way, the traffic lights are grouped in sets of 4 but they can be easily broken apart and reconfigured to as many as you need!

Let us know if you need anything else.

We are even happy to make new custom excel dashboard dials and widgets.

If you can describe it, we'll help you make it.

Hope this helps.


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By DashboardWidgets
A pleasure - and please do let us know if you need any further assistance.

Also - do feel free to post a screen capture (or XLS file) of your project for feedback!!


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By DashboardWidgets
We took a few moments to make a short YouTube video to show how to repeat the dials. As you can see in the video, sometimes it is a lot easier to use the "selection pane" feature of Excel to manage the various elements in the widgets.

Hope this helps and please feel free to get back to us if anything is not clear or you have more questions.

Warmest regards


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