
Helping you create stunning dashboards in Microsoft Excel including dials, speedometers, thermometers, and much more...

Post any problems or questions you have with the ExcelDashboardWidgets spreadsheets here.

Moderator: DashboardWidgets

By dpeterson
I originally bought Excel Dashboard Widgets in Sept 2016, paypal receipt# 1503-5344-3252-1563. I updated the Excel Dashboard Widgets today, on the Example Dashboard Conf Page (page 3), I typed in the my email address and activation code, a green check mark appeared to the left of the activation code. However, when I try to select a widget from the widget showcase page for copying, I'm unable to select the widget. What am I doing wrong? I want to update and expand the original dashboard that I built in 2016. Thank you for your help.

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By DashboardWidgets
Dear Doug

Unfortunately PayPal won't let us access our records before 01 Jan 2017. Can we trouble you to foward your PayPal receipt to sales[at]exceldashboardwidgets.com

If everything checks out we'll update your forum privaledges so you can access the latest version of the spreadhsheet in addition to all the unlocked examples on the Commerical Licence Holder's Download Area part of the forum here viewtopic.php?f=7&t=103

Kind regards


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