
Helping you create stunning dashboards in Microsoft Excel including dials, speedometers, thermometers, and much more...

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I am working with the Circular Dial Widget Type #2 widget.

I would like to reverse the color gradient (heat map) from green-red to red-green. In other words 0% is red and 100% is green. Furthermore, if I could control the way color spread that would be even better. That would mean making the green scale tighter and the red scale tighter as well.

I would appreciate any help on this. I just purchase the widgets today since I could not use the free version. Thank you in advance!!!!
Hi Pcubillos

All the widgets are 100% customizable. Reversing the color gradient is very straightforward.

In a nutshell what you need to do is use the Selection Pane to select the relevant segment and change the color!! There's a video on our YouTube Channel which describes the process - however I wouldn't sit through all of it, skip to 6 minutes!!

If you have any more questions about configuring these widgets or about building your dashboard in general please feel free to get back to us.


pcubillos wrote:I am working with the Circular Dial Widget Type #2 widget.

I would like to reverse the color gradient (heat map) from green-red to red-green. In other words 0% is red and 100% is green. Furthermore, if I could control the way color spread that would be even better. That would mean making the green scale tighter and the red scale tighter as well.

I would appreciate any help on this. I just purchase the widgets today since I could not use the free version. Thank you in advance!!!!
I struggled with this for ages, however its really easy.

1 - click on the widget (circular dial widget type 2)
2 - select "drawing tools" format
3 - select "selection pane" option
4 - select the item you need to change, "circular dial2 coloured scale". this highlights the area on your widget.
5 - select "picture tools" format.
6 - select "rotate" then choose "flip horizontal".

hey presto, 30 seconds, colours now go from red to green


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