
Helping you create stunning dashboards in Microsoft Excel including dials, speedometers, thermometers, and much more...

Post any problems or questions you have with the ExcelDashboardWidgets spreadsheets here.

Moderator: DashboardWidgets

By t.malone03
Hello, I am a commercial license holder but when I click the link above for the two dial widget it says "You are not authorised to read this forum."

How can I make sure my account is registered as commercial? Thanks!

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By DashboardWidgets
Hi t.malone03

To access any files in the commercial license holder's download area you just have to be logged in to the forum when you access the link.

We checked and your username is on the list of commercial license holders.

If you have more problems feel free to get in contact.


By g.shaw.au@gmail.com
Please can you assist me here . Two issues :-

Firstly I have managed to Design a second needle with the correct rotation angle but am having difficulty in getting the second needle to sit just behind the centre face of the clock. I can get it to the front and back position only . So just need to know how to insert it into the layers of the original clock .

Secondly , with the second needle I would like to have a tab on the dial indicating its value like the first needle . Is there a way of introducing say a Key to explain what the two needles are . I presume one would need to introduce a new text cell onto the dial , just below the heading say specifying what the two needles are ?

This is a thought on how I would like the Dial to look..
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By DashboardWidgets
Hey Greg

Is this close to what you were after?
(33.39 KiB) Downloaded 1610 times
Greg's Dial.jpg
Please note that the unlocked version of this widget can be downloaded in the Commercial License Holder's Download Area here...

http://www.exceldashboardwidgets.com/ph ... f=25&t=324

Please let us know if you would like us to make a small video showing how we made this.


Hi Exceldashboard Wizards - that's exactly what I need . Great job . Much appreciated.

I mistakenly clicked on the attachment while working on my iPad , I hope this will not limit me to downloading it onto my desktop tomorrow . My computer has been out of action today .

Regards - Greg

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